Jonas Brothers Tribute

Jonas Brothers Tribute
So the video pretty much says everything. I made this with my friend, Alex. We really wanted to take the time to show NIck, Joe, and Kevin how much we appreciate them. They deserve it.

Alex and I are living proof of the impact the Jonas Brothers have on people. We actually met through our love of the Jonas Brothers and now we're practically like sisters.

So, boys, if you see this...thanks...for everything :)


In the future people will talk about the Jonas Brothers

They'll talk about them like we talk about the Beatles, Hanson, and NSYNC

They'll talk about the records they made

They'll talk about the sold out concerts

They'll talk about their style, family, and beliefs

They'll talk about the adoring fans who waited hours for just a glimpse of their favorite boys

But they'll never talk about who they were as genuine human beings.

Or what they brought to our lives.

Or how many people t

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