are we dead yet?

haha. hey guys, long time no vid huh? well again, this is another contest entry but, still nonetheless, it's a video. and an effect video too. so yay :) i've been loosing inspiration again but it's still coming back and all. and you know something? i had the perfect description right in my head and now it's GONE. eghoedonkjkl. i randomly just typed that and all i see is "hoedonk" o_O So anywho this is for NessiexCullen's round contest and we were each in a group and each group got a specific song so this was mine. :) enjoy. I'm actually pretty proud of it, in some parts. it was fun editing. but yup.

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and also, i'm in the works of another vid, not collab or contest related so hopefully i can get enough inspiration & time to work on that. :) school's almost done! whooh

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