Joe Jonas "El Hormiguero" - part 1 - Interview

Joe Jonas "El Hormiguero" - part 1 - Interview
Joe Jonas on spanish tv show "El Hormiguero" with Pablo Motos. (recorded on June,20th)

Translation here:

P: Today's come to have fun on The Hormiguero... Joe Jonas!


P: welcome back, Joe. We're so glad to see you again here. You are changed, you're grown up, I think it's the beard...

J: Yeah, it's a lot of things... I'd like to get your stubble.

P: that's so hard


P: Has ever happened to you that you met a girl and she acts like a normal girl, without screaming.... have you ever been in a party and they introduce you to a girl like... Maria Dolores.... and Maria Dolores says: Hi Joe, how's going?

Crowd: Joeeee

J: haha, they say no

*this is because the host keeps saying Joe's name wrong, so the crowd goes: "Joeeee". And Joe thinks they're saying no (to the question)*


All rights go to Cuatro and El hormiguero

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