Much More Jemi Moments

Much More Jemi Moments
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Jemi Moments:

More Jemi Moments:

Jemi Moments: Live:

they're kind of minor, again.

but we all need our daily dose of jemi. :)

in the absolute beginning, when the interviewer says 'love' joe's eyes widen and he FREEZES. wonder why..?

0:25-0:27 .. joe looks over, with just his eyes, and checks her out.

1:36-1:41 .. he's hugging a girl, but his full attention is on demi. then he makes a bee-line right to her just so he can have a small hug. everyone with me... AWEEE! ;)

and! in the beginning, when they're all posing for pictures, joe tickles her or something.

gah! they're so adorable!

&like the title? i couldn't think of one. ahaha

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