Jonas Brothers A to Z Funny Moments Part 1 (A-N)

Jonas Brothers A to Z Funny Moments Part 1 (A-N)
This is the first part of the JoBros A-Z funny moments. Check out the rest of it. Thanks for watching!

Credits to iJoeJonasLuver for the original idea.

Big thanks to Calor713 for the help and the tips she gave me and for some ideas I "borrowed" from her to make this video.

You are welcome to say anything you want about it, either good or bad, after all, it probably does suck since it's my first video ever.

However, mean comments from Jonas Brothers' haters will be deleted. If you don't like them, just don't watch videos with their name on it.

Please comment and suscribe :)

Hope you enjoy!

Do not own any of the graphic material used to make this video. No copyright infringement intended.

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