Joe Jonas || F R O M T H E H E A R T || 900 subs! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Joe Jonas || F R O M T H E H E A R T || 900 subs! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
If you wanted to wish Joe a late happy birthday or say something to him, feel free to post a comment! You never know, he may see this if it gets enough views and favs...
So I finally finished this. It's dedicated to Joe, and everything the boy's been through---especially in these last few months. The interview he just did really pulled some heartstrings and instant muse---I just HAD to make a vid! Took forever to put it all together though! I spent hours listening to old and new interviews and catching really touching moments and putting them into audio on this. Also a lot of the clips I put on this are rares. Especially the younger ones. It's amazing what you'll find on youtube if you search a bit.
So Happy birthday Joe! We love you!! As I always say---hold on little soldier! Remember in the end it all comes back to the band and your fans. We're praying for ya *virtual hugs*
And for all those that made the comment that Joe should see this on the